requestType | status/code | error/code | error/description | responseDetail |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 1 | Unknown MCOL customer number specified | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 2 | MCOL customer number specified has not been set up for SDT use on MCOL | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 3 | Direct debit facility is not available | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 4 | Claimant details provided in error | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 5 | Claimant details are missing | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 6 | Claimant correspondence details provided in error | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 7 | Claimant correspondence details are missing | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 8 | First defendant's postcode is not in England or Wales | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 9 | Second defendant cannot have an identical name to the first defendant | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 10 | Second defendant's postcode is not in England or Wales | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 11 | Interest data is only required if the right to claim interest is reserved | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 12 | Interest data is required if the right to claim interest is reserved | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 13 | Date money became owed is invalid – it must be in the past | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 14 | Date you are issuing the claim must be after the date the money became owed | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 15 | Claim amount (interest) cannot be greater than the maximum claim amount allowed | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 16 | Daily rate of interest since judgment must not be greater than GBP 9,999.99 | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 17 | Maximum number of lines for the claim particulars exceeded | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 18 | Amount claimed cannot be greater than the maximum claim amount allowed | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 19 | Solicitor's costs can only be claimed by customers enrolled as a solicitor on MCOL | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 20 | Solicitor's costs cannot be greater than the maximum solicitor’s costs allowed | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 21 | Costs too high for the amount claimed | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 22 | Defendant ID must be specified if not a joint judgment | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 23 | Specified claim does not belong to the requesting customer | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 24 | This judgment request is invalid on the referenced claim | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 25 | Joint judgment cannot be requested for a claim with only 1 defendant | All null |
mcolJudgmentWarrant | Rejected | 26 | Claim and defendant information must be consistent for a combined judgment and warrant request | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 27 | Defendant ID must not be specified on a joint judgment request | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 28 | Defendant 2 is specified but there is only 1 defendant on the claim | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 29 | Not enough days have passed since date of service to allow judgment by default | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 30 | Particulars of claim have not been sent separately as specified on the claim | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 31 | It was not specified on the claim that the particulars of claim would be sent separately | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 32 | Postcode for defendant is not in England or Wales | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 33 | Defendant's date of birth must be in the past | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 34 | Address for second defendant cannot be specified as there is only 1 defendant on the claim | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 35 | Address for second defendant cannot be specified as this is not a joint judgment request | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 36 | Postcode for second defendant is not in England or Wales | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 37 | Date of birth for second defendant cannot be specified as there is only 1 defendant on the claim | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 38 | Date of birth for second defendant cannot be specified as this is not a joint judgment request | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 39 | Second defendant's date of birth must be in the past | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 42 | Claim status update already submitted for this claim | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 43 | Defendant cannot be specified as there is a joint judgment | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 44 | Instalment amount must be less than the full claim amount | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 45 | Defendant cannot be specified on a paid update pre-judgment | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 46 | Case data could not be populated: INVALID PARTICULARS OF CLAIM | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 49 | Paid in full date must be in the future but not tomorrow | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 50 | Interest specified but right to claim interest was not reserved on the claim | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 51 | Interest since date of claim must not be greater than the maximum allowed | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 52 | Interest cannot be specified when requesting a judgment by admission following a part admission | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | DUPLD _CUST _REQID | Unique Request Identifier has been specified more than once within the originating Bulk Request | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 54 | Costs must not be greater than the maximum allowed for the amount claimed | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 55 | Deducted amount must not be greater than the maximum deduction allowed | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 56 | Deducted amount results in negative judgment total | All null |
mcolWarrant | Rejected | 57 | This warrant request is invalid on the referenced claim | All null |
mcolWarrant | Rejected | 58 | Warrant cannot be requested for this defendant | All null |
mcolWarrant | Rejected | 60 | Balance due at date of request must be greater than the minimum amount allowed and not greater than the maximum allowed | All null |
mcolWarrant | Rejected | 61 | Balance due at date of request must not be greater than the judgment total | All null |
mcolWarrant | Rejected | 62 | Warrant amount must not be less than the minimum warrant amount and not greater than the balance due at date of request | All null |
mcolWarrant | Rejected | 63 | Amount of warrant plus issue fee plus solicitor’s costs are greater than the maximum total warrant allowed | All null |
mcolWarrant | Rejected | 64 | Solicitor's costs can only be included on the warrant if they were included on the claim | All null |
mcolWarrant | Rejected | 65 | Solicitor's costs included on the warrant when the warrant amount is too small | All null |
mcolWarrant | Rejected | 66 | Solicitor's costs must not be greater than the maximum allowed | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 67 | This claim status update is invalid on the referenced claim | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 68 | Defendant number specified for a claim with a single defendant | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 69 | Defendant cannot be specified for an update type of Settled or Discontinued | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 70 | Invalid status update requested for this defendant | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 71 | Paid in full date specified in error | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 72 | Paid in full date missing | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 73 | Paid in full date cannot be in the future | All null |
mcolClaim | Rejected | 75 | Rejected by CCBC - rejection number 24 | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 75 | Judgment: Rejected by CCBC - rejection number 6 | All null |
mcolWarrant | Rejected | 75 | Warrant: Rejected by CCBC - rejection number 6 | All null |
mcolJudgmentWarrant | Rejected | 75 | Judgment: Rejected by CCBC - rejection number 6 | issueDate N/A
serviceDate N/A firstPaymentDate N/A warrantNumber N/A enforcingCourtCode N/A enforcingCourtName N/A fee N/A judgmentWarrantStatus: Judgment rejected by CCBC |
mcolJudgmentWarrant | Rejected | 75 | Judgment: Rejected by CCBC - rejection number 6. Warrant: Rejected by CCBC - rejection number 6 | issueDate N/A
serviceDate N/A firstPaymentDate N/A warrantNumber N/A enforcingCourtCode N/A enforcingCourtName N/A fee N/A judgmentWarrantStatus: Judgment rejected by CCBC Warrant rejected by CCBC |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 75 | Rejected by CCBC - rejection number 6 | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 79 | Solicitor's costs on judgment cannot be specified when requesting a judgment by admission following a part admission | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 80 | Deducted amount cannot be specified when requesting a judgment by admission following a part admission | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 81 | Judgment amount can only be specified when requesting a judgment by admission following a part admission | All null |
mcolJudgment | Rejected | 82 | Judgment amount must be specified when requesting a judgment by admission following a part admission | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 83 | No updates allowed to claim following application to set judgment aside | All null |
mcolClaimStatusUpdate | Rejected | 84 | Update type of Discontinued not allowed once judgment has been issued | All null |