MCOL County Court Claim overview

List of possible events

In the Claim Overview screen the bulk customer will see a list of events that
are available in the Claim History part of this screen (3 most recent events listed)
or the full list reached via clicking the Recent Transactions button
The table below describes the various MCOL events:



You submitted a claim on

Date and time that the claim was submitted on MCOL from event with type ‘SC’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

Your claim was issued on

The date and time from Claim status notification with type ‘CI’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

Your claim was rejected on

The date and time from Claim status notification with type ‘CR’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

Your claim was withdrawn on

The date and time from Claim status notification with type ‘CW’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

Your claim was transferred to (court name) on 

Court name and date and time from Claim event with type ‘CT’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

Your claim was struck out on

The date and time from Claim event with type ‘K1’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

Your claim was reinstated on

The date and time from Claim event with type ‘K0’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

You submitted a judgment against (defendant) on

Defendant name from the judgment and date and time that the judgment was requested on MCOL from event with type ‘SJ’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

Your judgment against (defendant) was issued on

Defendant name and date and time from Judgment status notification with type ‘JE’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

Your judgment against (defendant) was rejected on

Defendant name and date and time from Judgment status notification with type ‘JR’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

A bar was put in place for (defendant) on

Defendant name and date and time from the claim event with type ‘I1’

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

The bar in place for (defendant) was removed on

Defendant name and date and time from the claim event with type ‘I0’

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

A request to change the payment instalments for (defendant) was submitted on

Defendant name and date and time from the claim event with type ‘V1’

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

The request to change the payment instalments for (defendant) was refused on

Defendant name and date and time from the claim event with type ‘V0’

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

The request to change the payment instalments for (defendant) was granted on

Defendant name and date and time from the claim event with type ‘VG’

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

The granted request to change the payment instalments for (defendant) was removed on

Defendant name and date and time from the claim event with type ‘VR’

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

An application to set aside (remove) judgment against (defendant) was submitted on

Defendant name and date and time from the claim event with type ‘X1’

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

The application to set aside (remove) judgment against (defendant) was granted on

Defendant name and date and time from the claim event with type ‘XG’

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

The application to set aside (remove) judgment against (defendant) was refused on

Defendant name and date and time from the claim event with type ‘X0’

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

The granted request to set aside (remove) judgment for  (defendant) was removed on

Defendant name and date and time from the claim event with type ‘XR’

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

You submitted warrant (warrant number) against (defendant) on

Defendant name from the associated warrant.  Warrant number and date and time that the warrant was requested on MCOL from event with type ‘SW’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

Your warrant (warrant number) against (defendant) was issued on

Defendant name from the associated warrant, Warrant number and date and time from Warrant status notification with type ‘WI’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

If the warrant is not known to MCOL then display the defendant name from the claim using the defendant number on the Warrant status notification.

Your warrant (warrant number) against (defendant) was rejected on

Defendant name from the associated warrant.  Warrant number and date and time from Warrant status notification with type ‘WR’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

If the warrant is not known to MCOL then display the defendant name from the claim using the defendant number on the Warrant status notification.

The final return (result) for your warrant (warrant number) against (defendant) was received on

Defendant name from the associated warrant.  Warrant number and date and time from claim event with type ‘FR’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

If the warrant is not known to MCOL then display the defendant name from the claim using the defendant number on the Warrant status notification.

The final return (result) for your warrant (warrant number) against (defendant) was removed on

Defendant name from the associated warrant.  Warrant number and date and time from claim event with type ‘F0’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

If the warrant is not known to MCOL then display the defendant name from the claim using the defendant number on the Warrant status notification.

(Defendant) filed an acknowledgment of service on

Defendant name and date and time from claim event with type ‘AS’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

(Defendant) filed a defence on

Defendant name and date and time from claim event with type ‘DE’ or ‘DC’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

The defence was struck out on

Date and time from claim events with type ‘DK’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

(Defendant) filed a part admission on

Defendant name and date and time from claim event with type ‘PA’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

(Defendant) notified the court of a change of address on

Defendant name and date and time from address change notification with type ‘DA’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

Date of service of (date) for (defendant) notified on

Event date and defendant from claim event with type ‘DS’ and date and time the claim event was received by MCOL.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss

A claim settled notification was submitted on

Date and time that the claim settled notification was submitted on MCOL from event with type ‘H1’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YY at hh:mm:ss.

Your notification that the claim was settled was accepted on

Date and time from event with type ‘WD’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YY at hh:mm:ss.

Your notification that the claim was settled was rejected on

Date and time from event with type ‘H0’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YY at hh:mm:ss.

Notification that the claim was discontinued was submitted on

Date and time that the discontinuation notification was submitted on MCOL from event with type ‘B1’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YY at hh:mm:ss.


Your notification that the claim was discontinued was accepted on

Date and time from event with type ‘DI’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

N.B. new events of this type will never have a defendant number on them, however historically they could have done.  If there is a defendant number on the event then include ‘for (defendant)’ between ‘discontinued’ and ‘was’ where defendant is populated with the defendant’s name.

Your notification that the claim was discontinued was rejected on

Date and time from event with type ‘B0’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

Your notification that the claim was written off for (defendant) was accepted on

Defendant name and date and time from event with type ‘WO’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

Notification that the claim was fully paid on (date) by  (defendant) was submitted on

Date input when the paid notification was submitted.

Defendant name from the paid notification and date and time that the claim paid notification was submitted on MCOL from event with type ‘M1’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YY at hh:mm:ss.

N.B. if the notification was for the whole claim and the claim has 2 defendants, an event will be shown per defendant.

Your notification that the claim was fully paid on (date) for (defendant) was accepted on

Date input when the paid notification was submitted. Defendant name and date and time from event with type ‘MP’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

Your notification that the claim was fully paid on (date) for (defendant) was rejected on

Date input when the paid notification was submitted. Defendant name and date and time from event with type ‘M0’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

Notification that the claim has changed ownership from (NCP ID from) to (NCP ID to) was received on

NCP ID from, NCP ID to and date from claim event with type ‘OC’.

Date and time format: DD/MM/YYYY at hh:mm:ss.

Claim Number

 This is a hyperlink to the claim summary screen




This will be the organisation name if the claimant is an organisation.  It will be a concatenation of Forename and Surname if the claimant is an individual.


This will be the organisation name if the defendant is an organisation.  It will be a concatenation of Title, Forename and Surname if the defendant is an individual.

If there is a second defendant, they are displayed on the line below with the same formatting.

Claim Issue Date

The date on the latest Claim status notification with type ‘CI’ provided that a subsequent Claim status notification has not been received with type ‘CR’ or ‘CW’

Claim Status

Claim status

Last Updated

Date claim status changed

Defendant Name

For a judgment against a single defendant this is the defendant’s name.  This will be the organisation name if the defendant is an organisation.  It will be a concatenation of Title, Forename and Surname if the defendant is an individual. 

If this is a joint judgment then this field will show Joint Judgment.

It is possible that this field will be blank if the End User has started a judgment but abandons it before selecting one of two defendants where applicable.

Populated from judgment.

Judgment Number

If there is a (part) entered judgment that has not been submitted but a Judgment status notification has been received, this column will be blank.Otherwise it will contain the judgment status (i.e. one of Continue, Requested, Rejected or Issued)..If the column is not blank this is a hyperlink unless the judgment status is Continue and the claim status is no longer Issued. The hyperlink takes the End User to the judgment summary screen unless the judgment status is Continue in which case the hyperlink takes the user to last screen they input data on in the judgment.

Populated from judgment


Defendant’s name.  This will be the organisation name if the defendant is an organisation.  It will be a concatenation of Title, Forename and Surname if the defendant is an individual

Populated from warrant.

Warrant Number

If the warrant has not been submitted yet (i.e. the warrant status is Continue or Prepared for Payment) and no Warrant status notification has been received, this column will contain the word Unsubmitted.  If the warrant has not been submitted yet but a Warrant status notification has been received, this column will be blank.  Otherwise it contains the warrant number.  If the column is not blank, this is a hyperlink unless the warrant status is Continue and the claim status is no longer Issued or the judgment status is no longer Issued. The hyperlink takes the End User to the warrant summary screen unless the warrant status is Continue in which case the hyperlink takes the user to last screen they input data on in the warrant or the warrant status is Prepared for Payment in which the case the message “Payment for your warrant was unsuccessful. Please call the MCOL customer helpdesk.” is displayed when the end user clicks on the hyperlink.

Populated from warrant